Thursday, October 28, 2010


Facebook makes it fairly easy to reach out and catch up with friends. For some people, it also, apparently, makes it incredibly difficult to get rid of them.

Two articles running this weekend, one in the New York Times and one at Psychology Today, discuss the impact of and reasoning behind the act of "defriending" on Facebook; giving someone the virtual boot from your online social life once they've overstayed their welcome for one reason or another. I was a bit taken aback while reading both pieces, particularly at how incredibly dramatic "defriending" had become for some people—according to the Times, one woman, the marvelously-named Buffy Martin Tarbox, had actually written 200 notes to her ex-Facebook friends, explaining the reasons why she'd defriended them, which struck me as a bit extreme, but was apparently well-received by many of Tarbox's defriended recipients.

Of course, Facebook isn't the only site where people can be upset by defriending; sites like Twitter and Tumblr keep follower counts prominently displayed on user homepages, making users aware of when someone finds their 140-word updates or blog posts too boring/offensive/annoying to keep up with. But the idea behind Facebook, of course, is that the people on your "friends list" are actually your friends, and so the instant dismissal by someone you felt was at least close enough to you to earn a spot in the edited-for-the-internet version of your personal life (or dismissing someone yourself), can either make you feel completely rejected or serve as a reminder that some "friendships" are not equal to others, and that the people who really count are probably worth more than a goodbye click from either side.

And if you can't actually go through with the defriending process, there's always avoidance: I've never actually defriended anyone, mostly because Facebook makes my head hurt and I just don't care enough, but I have used the site's blocking tools to make sure certain updates don't clog up my screen. Sorry, Farmville. I'd write you a letter telling you why we can't be friends, but you'd probably just write back begging me to water something.

What about you, commenters? Have you ever defriended anyone? And has there been any drama involved? Would you ever write a letter to someone you've defriended? Feel free to share your stories in the comments.

xoxo RitzyNina

1 comment:

Moyin said...

I hate facebook. I was told if you add celeb friends (specifically celeb crushes) will look like an easy groupie. Bad advice from a bad friend.