Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I was reading The Martha Rules by Martha Stewart this morning, and came across the part of the book where she says to think like a customer. In fact, Martha has gotten some of her best ideas simply by thinking from the customer’s point-of-view, like Everyday Food magazine. Well, I love this for so many reasons, but I especially love this today because this is a key element that so many wedding professionals forget to do.

So many of us often get caught up in wanting to sell what we want to sell, how we want to sell it, and who we want to sell it to that we’ve forgotten to think of what the bride wants, how she wants it, and the way she wants to buy it!

I suggest that you go back through your consultations with brides – the ones who booked and the ones who didn’t. And I suggest that you look for trends that kept coming up. Here are just a few areas to take note of and make notes on:

What are some common questions of what they were looking for from you?
Who is your bride (i.e. compile your ideal bride/target market description)?
Who is NOT your bride (i.e. who do you seem to keep attracting that you don’t want to work with)?
What were the common frustrations, obstacles, struggles, and stressors the brides were experiencing when they came to you?
What are they saying to tell you how they want to be sold (hint: they’re always telling you how to sell them, you just have to be listening)?
Did she ask to see more … examples of your work? Pictures of your work? Samples of how you do things? Results or “proof” that you can give her what she needs?

Remember to ask these questions when planning with your Bride & Groom.

xoxo RitzyNina

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love this blog hun....muahhh! So true about thinking like your customer and also think for her sometimes. There are so many that really do not know what they want and we have to determine that for them by connecting with her/him...on a whole different level.
